суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

contempora jewellers

Today was very eventful. First block, Dannehy was actually kinda...nice? Well thatapos;s a change of attitude, for sure. Well, I avoided her anyway, I sat on the pavement with Katie and watched everyone else play ultimate frisbee in the freezing cold AM weather. Ughh, I hate having Gym first block. Well, anywho, here was my main point of writing this:

I saw him again today as I do every first block of everyday, seeing as he is in all my first block classes. Well I was walking down the trophey hall way, exiting the gym area, and he was walking my direction. Our eyes connected and hereapos;s the stupidity of my day, as we stared at each other I went to turn the corner and I ran straight into the brick wall. Brooke says he knows for sure now that I like him...whoops?

Talk about feeling a bit embarrassed...I mean...I canapos;t look at him in the eyes first block ever again and to top it all off...I have 3rd block with him on B/D days and I see him between every block. Man, I couldnapos;t be more embarrassed if I tried running into that brick wall on purpose so he wouldapos;ve noticed me...that wouldapos;ve made me feel a bit better but NO. I am from here on and forever will be the cluts called Nicole.

diamonds pressing up against, contempora jewellers, contempora cornet, contempora, contempopranea.

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